poniedziałek, 25 marca 2019


Noun forming affixes
  • Agent: -rá/-ré bági 'wheel' → bagirá 'wheeler';
  • Experiencer: -(a)ghó dzókhah 'to beat' → dzokhágho 'one who is beaten';
  • Possessor: -(a)ián thaaghá 'beard' → thaaghián 'bearded man';
  • Residential or tribal association: -áua lóko 'high' → lokáua 'someone from High Tribe';
  • Abstract noun I: -(a)lé lóko 'high' → lokalé 'height';
  • Abstract noun II: -át tłoómah 'to tell' → tłoómát 'fable';
  • Abstract noun III: -ti dẓaáiah 'to become good' → dẓaáiti 'goodness'
  • Instrument: -áku koiḥaáh 'to carry' → koiḥáku 'carrier';
  • Place: -us bóḥah 'to speak' → bóḥus 'rostrum';
  • Container: -(a)tsá pul 'water' → pultsá 'bucket';
  • Substantion: -ásse bállah 'to create' → ballásse 'fabric, matter';
  • Object I: -(a)ma thar 'hand' → tharma 'glove';
  • Object II: -é bóḥah 'to speak' → boḥé 'thing';
  • Diminutive: -ní naán 'mother' → naanní 'little mother';
  • Augmentative: -aab caán 'house' → caánaab 'great house';
  • Collective (large set/collection) -(a)tón tshúue 'bird' → tshuutón 'large troop of birds';
  • Paucal collective -(a)lúa bótso 'wolf' → botsolúa 'few wolves';
  • Entire, all, complete thing: maa- tháme 'man' → maatháme 'entire man';
  • Past state of being: can- caán 'house' → cancaán 'former house, ruine';
  • Future state of being: iee- 'naánga 'king' → ieenaánga 'future king';
  • State (tense-neutral): -(a)ta tálteh 'to fight' → tálteta 'fight';
  • Living being: -(a)sti bállah 'to create' → bállasti 'creature';
  • True or pure: Cé- bótso 'wolf' → bébotso 'true wolf';
  • Similarity: -(a)ite bótso 'wolf → bótsoite 'werewolf'
  • Male descendant: -(a)khaan naánga 'king' → naángakhaan 'son of king'
  • Female descendant: -(a)tṣhaal naánga 'king' → naángatṣaal 'daughter of king'
  • Area characterized by: -úm lóko 'high' → lokúm 'highland(s)';
  • Singulative: -íne/-V́ine muúta 'wheat' → muutáine 'grain of wheat';
  • Knowledge: -(a)s-ḥadé ghuúr 'horse' → ghuurasḥadé 'knowledge about horses'
Verb forming affixes
  • Intensifier: -(a)cí- bóḥah 'to speak' → boḥcíah 'to speak intensively';
  • Inchoative ~ Inceptive: -(a)j- jaah 'to go' → jaajáh 'begin to go';
  • Cessative: -(a)st- jaah 'to go' → jaastáh 'to finnish going';
  • Denominalizer: -(a)i- hathút 'hammer' → hathútiah 'to hammer'
In the role of suffixes forming verbs from other verbs may be various postpositions.

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