bági 'wheel' → bagirá 'wheeler'
dzókháh 'to beat' → dzokhágho 'one who is beaten'
saátah 'to learn' → saatágho 'disciple'
saátah 'to learn' → saátłah 'to teach'
duh 'to be' → dújah 'to become'
thaaghá 'beard' → thaaghián 'bearded man'
lóko 'high' → lokáua 'someone from High Tribe'
lóko 'high' → lokúm 'highland(s)'
lóko 'high' → lokalé 'height'
tłoómah 'to tell' → tłoomát 'fable'
dẓaáiah 'to become good' → dẓaáiti 'goodness'
koiḥaáh 'to carry' → koiḥáku 'carrier'
pul 'water' → pultsá 'bucket'
thar 'hand' → tharma 'glove'
bóḥah 'to speak' → boḥé 'thing'
naán 'mother → naanní 'little mother'
caán 'house, home, family' → caánaab 'great house'
caán 'house, home, family' → cancaán 'former house, ruine'
tshúue 'bird' → tshuutón 'large troop of birds'
bótso 'wolf' → botsolúa 'few wolves'
tháme 'man' → ueentháme 'entire man'
bótso 'wolf' → bébotso 'true wolf'
bóḥah 'to speak' → bohcíah 'to speak intensively, to talk'
jaah 'to go' → jaajáh 'begin to go'
jaah 'to go] → jaástah 'to finnish going'
hathút 'hammer' → hathútiah 'to hammer'
lúgah 'to die' → lugát 'death'
bóḥah 'to speak' → bóḥus 'rostrum'
ḥiéthah 'to grow' → ḥiéthma 'plant'
bállah 'to create' → ballará 'creator'
bállah 'to create' → ballásse 'fabric, matter'
tṣángah 'to become strong' → tṣangát 'strength'
tháme 'man' → thámaab 'great man'
goh 'to do' → goáku 'tool'
ḥyrýn- 'to become dark' → ḥyrýnti 'darkness'
ghórah 'to try' → ghorát 'try'
sagháh 'to think' → saghát 'thought'
lásdah 'to write' → lásdama 'letter'
khákah 'to crack' → khákus 'chasm'
pul 'water' → pulásse 'watery substantion'
táltah 'to fight' → taltát 'fighting'
táltah 'to fight' → taltáku 'weapon'
táltah 'to fight' → táltaab 'battle'
táltaab 'battle' → táltaabus 'battle field'
dúndah 'to war' → dundará 'warrior'
dúndah 'to war' → dundát 'war'
haát 'father' → haatalé 'wealth of father, fatherland'
tortsó 'head' → tortsoé 'cap, pommel'
ṣagé 'word' → ṣagetón 'dictionary'
kádẓih 'to work' → kadẓirá 'worker'
kádẓih 'to work' → kádẓát 'work'
khaálda 'wise' → khaáldati 'wisedom'
gúdah 'to give' → gudrá 'giver'
gúdah 'to give' → gúdma 'gift'
ghuúr 'horse → ghuúrite 'equid'
saar 'sun' → saárite 'sunflower'
saar 'sun' → saarúm 'house of the sun'
sétah 'to stand' → sétti 'state, status'
ghuúr 'horse' → ghuurní 'pony'
seélo 'army' → seelóine 'soldier'
pul 'water' → pulíne 'drop of water'
ṣagé 'word' → ṣageíne 'sound character (of letter)'
lásdah 'to write' → lásdani 'writing'
lásdani 'writing' → lasdaníne 'letter'
saládah 'to live' → salátti 'life'
jókah 'to hit' → jókani 'hitting, attack'
jókah 'to hit' → jókra 'attacker'
naánga 'king' → naangúm 'kingdom'
naánga 'king' → naángaus 'royal house/palace'
ḥýnah 'to happen' → ḥynaléd 'history'
músgaah 'to command' → musgaará 'chief, commander'
músgaah 'to command' → musgaát 'command'
musgaará 'commander' → musgaaratón 'leadership'
bállah 'to create' → bállasti 'creature'
baághah 'to fence' → baaghúm 'city, town'
baághah 'to fence' → baaghé 'fence'
baághah 'to fence' → baághus 'garden'
tólgu 'stone' → tolgurá 'stonemason'
tólgu 'stone' → tolgúine 'one stone'
moólah 'to drink' → moólma 'drink'
caán 'house, home' → caánasti 'domestic animal'
saar 'sun' → saarásse 'sunlight, solar substantion'
gýl 'fire' → gýlaab 'fire, conflagration'
gýl 'fire' → gýlus 'campfire'
gýl 'fire' → gylní 'little fire, glimmer'
gýl 'fire' → gyltsá 'lamp'
gýl 'fire' → gylíne 'part of fire, spark'
gyl 'fire' → gyltón 'series of fires'
gýlus 'campfire' → gylustón 'large group of campfires'
gýl 'fire' → gylásse 'fire as substantion'
gylásse 'fire as substantion' → gylasséine 'part of fire substantion'
kádẓih 'to work' → kadẓiát 'work'
kádẓih 'to work' → kadẓirá 'worker'
kádẓih 'to work' → kádẓius 'place of work'
hatsé 'bone' → hatsetón 'skeleton'
hatsé 'bone' → hatseúm 'cemetary'
hatsé 'bone' → hatséine 'piece of bone'
tṣéleh 'to shine' → tṣeláku 'candle'
gúnguh 'to become deep' → gunglé 'depth'
uaárah 'to want (and goal is achieved)' → uaaré 'will'
médzah 'to might' → médlah 'to help'
katłáh 'to clap' → katłácheh 'to make vaulting'
katłácheh 'to make vaulting' → katłaché 'vaulting'
keétah 'to cut' → keétku 'knife'
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