Some derivative trees, part III.
Tree for verb gúdah 'to give' (derived nouns)
- gudrá 'giver';
- gúdma 'gift';
- gudmaní 'little gift';
- gúdmaab 'big gift';
- gégudma 'true gift';
- gúdmaite 'false gift';
- cangúdma 'former gift';
- ieegúdma 'future gift;
- gudmatón 'many gifts';
- gútta 'portion';
- guttáine 'part of portion';
- gútti 'loyalty';
- gúdus 'giving place';
- gútkhama 'increase';
- gúttaamni 'forgiving';
- gúnnani 'adding';
- gúnnima 'tax';
- gúnnimaini 'taxation';
- gunnimáine 'part of tax';
- gunné 'add';
- gútṣtṣani 'giving back, retturning, emission';
- gutṣtṣásse 'emitted substantion';
- gúdliini 'spending, issuing';
- guthamé 'reward, prize';
- guthameéb 'grand prize';
- guthamení 'little prize';
- guthaméine 'part of prize';
- gútsoma 'image, imitation';
- gútsomaini 'imagination';
Tree for verb bóḥah 'to speak' (derived nouns)
- boḥrá 'speaker';
- boḥát 'speech';
- bóḥasti 'speaking being';
- bóḥus 'rostrum';
- boḥé 'thing';
- boḥeéb 'large thing';
- boḥení 'little thing';
- bóḥḥa 'subject';
- boḥtaamé 'refusal, denial, rejection';
- boḥásse 'sentence';
- boḥassetón 'many sentences, statement';
- bóḥṣemní 'orating';
- boḥṣemrá 'orator';
- boḥṣemé 'oration';
- bóḥłani 'dictating';
- boḥtaamé 'pronounciation';
- bóḥsoma 'collusion, conspiracy';
- bóḥḥama 'pact, contract';
- bóḥliima 'persuasion, incitement, instigation';
- bóhnima 'slander, libel, rumor'
Tree for verb sýdzah 'to sit' (derived nouns)
- sýdzus 'seat';
- sytṣtṣemé 'transfer';
- sýtskhaama 'sitting, meeting';
- sýdlus 'orchard';
- sýdlasti 'seedling';
Tree for verb raájah 'to rule' (derived nouns)
- raajrá 'ruler';
- raajráiti 'imperiousness';
- raajián 'someone who has ruling power, administrator';
- raájus 'seat of rule, capital';
- raajúm 'ruled area';
- raájnisoma 'embassy';
- raajnisomará 'ambassador';
- raachará 'magnate';
- raacharatón 'magnatery, ruling class';
- raájni 'subordinated object';
- raajnirá 'subordinated person';
- raajniralé 'subordination';
Tree for verb łaáiah 'to become white' (derived nouns)
- łaáiián 'someone who is white, albino';
- łaáiti 'whiteness';
- łaáima 'leucoma';
- łaaié 'glair';
- łaáiasti 'white animal';
- łaáius 'white place';
- łaaiúm 'white area, snow/ice cap';
Tree for verb goh 'to do' (derived nouns)
- gorá 'worker';
- góti 'job';
- góku 'tool';
- góta 'occupation';
- gósti 'working animal';
- gónima 'fake, counterfeit, imitation';
- gótaamni 'cancellation';
- goṣemé 'redoing, redo';
- gothani 'earnings, profit';
- gółni 'causing, preaching';
- gółra 'causee, preacher';
- gółti 'cause';
- gółḥama 'injunction';
Tree for verb baághah 'to fence' (derived nouns)
- baaghrá 'fencer';
- baaghé 'fence';
- baagheéb 'big fence';
- baaghení 'little fence';
- baaghéine 'part of fence, board';
- baághus 'garden';
- baaghúm 'city, town';
- baaghumáua 'burgher, townsman, citizen';
- baaghṣemé 'partition, compartment';
- baághṣemus 'partitionned place';
Tree for verb doh 'to see' (derived nouns)
- dónima 'vision';
- dónimaab 'great vision';
- donimaní 'little vision, delusion';
- dorá 'spectator';
- doratón 'audience, locale';
- doát 'view';
- dóus 'view, scenery';
- dóusaab 'large view';
- dousní 'little view';
- dokhaará 'breeder, farmer';
- dołát 'show, display';
Tree for noun anú 'eye' (derived nouns)
- anurá 'representative';
- anuratón 'representation';
- anuratonní 'little representation';
- anuián 'someone with big eyes';
- anuní 'little eye';
- anuúb 'big eye';
- anúnius 'eyehole, orbit';
- anúḥa 'eyelid';
Tree for noun sýle 'mountain' (derived nouns)
- sylerá 'mountaineer';
- syleratón 'many mountaineers';
- syláua 'someone living in mountain';
- sylní /little mountain, hill';
- sýleeb 'big/grand mountain';
- syleeptón 'big/grand mountains' range'
- syltón 'many mountains, mountain range';
- syllúa 'few mountains';
- syleniúm 'area before mountains';
- syltahé 'hill';
- sylbecúm 'area between mountains, mountain hollow';
Tree for noun syn 'forest' (derived nouns)
- synrá 'forester';
- synáua 'someone living in forest';
- sýmma 'wood';
- symní 'little forest';
- sýnaab 'big forest';
- synlúa 'few forests';
- symnisúm 'area near forest';
- symbecúm 'area between forests';
Tree for noun tshúue 'bird' (derived nouns)
- tshuurá 'fowler';
- tshuuián 'possessor of a bird';
- tshuuní 'little bird';
- tshúuaab 'big bird';
- tshuutón 'large troop of birds';
- maatshuutón 'all birds, birds of all species'
- tshuulúa 'few birds';
- tshuus 'aviary';
- tshuutsá 'birdcage';
Tree for noun naánga 'king' (derived nouns)
- naángus 'royal house/palace';
- naángatón 'many kings, royal lineage';
- ieenaánga 'future king';
- naángakhaan 'son of king';
- naángatṣaal 'daughter of king';
- naangúm 'kingdom';
- naángani 'subking, viceroy';
- naangaáke 'someone in role of king (but it is not a true king)';
- naanganalé 'absence of leadership, interregnum';
- naanganákhaa 'anti-king';
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